Information Links

The following is a list of other information resources which may prove helpful in understanding the property assessment and tax process. There are many offices that hold different pieces of information about your property tax and this is intended to get you to relevant offices that can provide the information you are seeking.

Zuma and Canoe Creek Townships Phone Numbers

Zuma Township Supervisor:  (563) 459-1630

Zuma Township Clerk:  (309) 658-2208

Canoe Creek Supervisor:  (563) 459-1630

Canoe Creek Clerk:  (309) 658-2208

Rock Island County Phone Numbers

Rock Island County Supervisor of Assessments:  (309) 558-3660

Rock Island County Treasurer's Office:  (309) 558-3510

Rock Island County Recorder's Office:  (309) 558-3360

Rock Island County County Clerk:  (309) 558-3569

Rock Island County Circuit Court Clerk:  (309) 558-3318